Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 113 - Pure Aero did not work so good!

I essentially almost killed all the plants when I went back to aero for a week. I switched them back to the hydro/aero set up and they look decent. still no sweet potatoes...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I hope to see more about your project soon.

Anonymous said...

Looks good, what kind of nutrient mix you using? Wondering if you need to cut back on the nitrogen to get some spuds

Zach said...
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Zach said...

I have found growing to term with fog only to be very difficult. My theory is that while nutrient absorbtion is increased the small "seeker" hairs cannot supply enough hydration for the plant. The best way I have found is a mix of a light spray to the roots on a 15min /1hr schedule and the fog being supplied while the sprayers are off. I will also be trying an combination of eb/flow and fog. Also If you want to do a remote fog chamber you have to keep the supply line short or the nutrients will precipitate out of the fog. I also like to push the fog down (the way it likes to go naturally) rather than trying to blow it upwards with a fan.

Anonymous said...

A sweet potato cannot survive in a monoculture. You need the fungus and bacteria that live in the soil to provide nutrients to the roots. I'm sure you will be able to sustain growth with aeroponics, but I seriously doubt you will ever get a harvest.

makanikai said...

Any latest results on whether your plants gave potatoes or not?

I'd love to try it if it worked out...


Ty said...

Hey, I was reading a post a while ago. That you'd have a hard time growing sweet potatoes without the proper medium. I was reading you can use a mixture if Vermiculite, Perlite, and I believe Coco Coir. Supposedly these conditions provide the perfect medium (closest to actual soil) for growing sweet potatoes either with Hydro or Aquaponics.

Rat said...

How did the project go? did you actually get potato? i once read a patent for growing a potato hydroponically, it said you have to apply pressure to get the feeder roots to swell out into spuds, i wonder if this can be done using simple water falling onto the roots.

Unknown said...

I would like to duplicate your system of blowing fog form one chamber to another. Can you tell me what type of fan you used, how it is mounted, and how the PVC is mounted to the totes?