Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 7

Seeing some new branches starting to grow out from stems. The plants in the water glass have done much better but that could be because the fan failed and denied the aeroponic plants of fog for 8+ hours. I think in about a week I should see some leaves start to grow out of the stems of the aeroponic plants and then we are in business!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 6 - seeing some roots

Clipped some dead stuff and seeing some roots.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 5 - fan failed.

Doh my Fan failed which is kind of bad because that is what gets the fog into the grow chamber. Was bound to happen as it was inside the pipe in which the fog travels. Redesigned that so now a new hole is drilled into the water/nutrients reservoir and a new fan just blows outside air into the chamber and since the fog has no other place to go but up, it does.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 4 - Not dead yet

Today I added some more heat sheets (from some cheap emergency blankets)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Day 3 - one plant comes back to life!

Well the plants in my home made aeroponic system are looking pretty rough. They are all shriveled up and starting to turn brown. Not happy. So I've decided to put some plastic domes on top so as to try to trap some extra fog around the plant. The fogger and fan were on a timer for 1 min on and 10 mins off cycle then repeat forever. That has been enough to flood the chamber completely with fog and the fog stays around and does not completely dissapate until the 10 mins is up. Well, I've decided change that and have the fogger and fan on for 3 mins and then off for 6 mins.

One of the plants in the glass of water is really starting to come back to life!

Also, I took some pictures of the underside of the plants to get some record of the roots on day 3. These plants already had some roots comming out before they were put in my system so nothing dramatic has happened root wise.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 2

Not looking so good. Really think that the plants suffered too much in shipment and that 3-day shipping in the current November freezing temperatures was not a good idea. However, if they do survive it will really be that much more awesome!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Planting first day!

Sweet Potato cuttings arrived today! The idea here is that from the cut branch (cutting) of a grown sweet potato plant, I can grow the branch to form another sweet potato plant They are all wilted but the stems are still green so I think I have a chance at them surviving. This is what they look like and that contraption is my indoor Aeroponic Sweet Potato Grower. Woot!